Complete building engineering construction in Hungary.


What we achieve once should never or only be improved decades later…

About us

Our company is present within the family as the third generation, whose professional, quality and business knowledge lives on in this company. Our goal is to provide a wide range of quality work at a fair price. Our company mainly deals with industrial building engineering constructions, but we are also happy to invest in smaller ones. We hope, that we have aroused your interest and may work with you soon.
Kind Regards, Tamás Pongrácz Managing Director


– Designing – Construction – Controlling – Maintenance –

Building engineering design

The preparation of a proper building services plan is the very first and essential step of accurate and professional complete execution. By creating the right plan, you can save yourself a lot of time and extra costs in the later phases.

Complete building engineering

We undertake the following activites:

  • Full implementation of industrial cooling and heating systems (chillers, heat pumps, dry coolers, cooling towers and their systems).
  • Construction of the mechanical system of offices, industrial halls, condiminiums.

Complete building engineering

  • Design of various technological systems.
  • Solutions for cooling server and UPS rooms with precision air conditioners or rack-row coolers.
  • We prefer the use of renewable energies, so we also undertake the installation of solar collectors.

Complete building engineering

  • Installation and assembly of ventilation systems and air handling units.
  • Construction of fire water systems.
  • Construction of cooling and heat recovery systems, utilization of technological waste heat.

Conditions survey

Over time, all building services systems will age and former technologies will be replaced by new ones. In case of major problems, it is worth considering the modernization and replacement of our existing system, which can save even more energy, time and money.


From time to time, it is important to check the operation of our mechanical system to eliminate existing but even foreseeable faults. Ideally, these maintenance will not be a particular financial burden, but failures can lead to replacement of the entire system.

Our references

Our works cover many areas of building engineering.

Nagyhegyesi Takarmány Kft. - Canning plant

2021 – Nagyhegyes, canning plant

Realization of the cooling demand of conservation equipment.

Transport, crane, positioning of a industrial chiller, dry cooler, hydronic kit and heat exchanger.

Design of hydraulic connection of adiabatic dry cooling equipment, industrial chiller and hydronic kit.

Budapest Várkapitányság. - Hőközpont

2020 – Budai Vár caloric centre

Podium structure, railing construction.

Implementation of industrial mechanical system: Design of hydraulic piping of industrial water-cooled chillers, heat exchangers, cooling towers and pumps.

Adjusting the hydraulic system.

Design of air conditioning in an electric reception room using server air conditioning.

Assembly and adjustment of industrial air handling equipment, construction of ventilation system.

Adony-Gép Kft.

2020 – Adony-Gép Kft.

Surface heating and cooling in an industrial hall.

Hungerit Zrt. - Keltető

2021 – Gyomaendrődi Körösi Keltető üzem

Design of calorific and water side piping of a condenserless chiller.

Installing a condenser for a split system chiller on a flat roof.


General Aquatherm Kft.
6050 Lajosmizse, Petőfi Sándor utca 32.
+36 70 701 0446

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